For this project I was asked to convert a CAD/STEP file, and transform it into a short, information packed visual overview, and product renderings, of a new uninterrupted power supply unit that was being developed. The client requested a short, concise, single camera animation calling out technical and design features of the product.
Below is the final animation I created to showcase this project according to the client's requests.
(Note: Since I do not have licensing for the audio they used this version is without sound)
Below is a small sample of the product renderings I delivered to the client for their product pages.

The STEP file was a great start but the product did require some custom modeling to add fine detail to the product to create the most realistic renderings. A lot of the detail was added to the modules in this clay rendering below.

This BTS clip below shows the Cinema4D viewport animation that was used to render out the final video.
Here we have a quick example of some of the materials used to create the look of the product. Redshift was used as the render engine for this animation.

After the image sequence was finished, it needed to be color graded and exported for the next stage, which was 2D animations and copy callouts.

In After Effects, the 3D scene file was used to accurately place the copy callouts in 3D space to create the parallax effect seen and create the final finished animation.